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Closures are functions using externally declared variables in their own scope. Useful when debugging Closures - console.dir method allows you to preview a function scope.

// Outer scope variable closure
// ----------------------
var change = 4;

function calculate(){
    var base = 50;
    return base + change; // change variable doesn't exist in the calculate function scope. 

calculate(); // Returns 54

// Inner function closure
// ----------------------

function outerFunction(outerVar){

    function innerFunction(innerVar){
        return outerVar + ' from ' + innerVar;

    return innerFunction;

var saySomething = outerFunction('Hello'); // 'Hello' is being passed as the outerVar argument. 

console.log(saySomething()); // Logs 'Hello from undefined' as we haven't set the innerVar yet.
console.dir(saySomething); // console.dir() function allows you to preview the current state of the scope

saySomething('closure'); // In the second run the argument will passed as the innerVar.
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