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  2. Vue
  3. Boilerplate vue component

An example of a VueJS component code structure.

<!-- Component template -->
<!-- ------------------ -->
    <div class="component">

        <!-- Iterate through all items and display in the list -->
        <ul class="">
            <li v-for="item in items" :key="item.id">{{ item.title }}</li>

        <!-- Reference a child component with property and a click event calling a function -->
        <div class="childComponent">
            <Child-Component :childProperty="title" @clicked="doSometnig" class=""></Child-Component>
        <!-- Display this title if the array of items is empty -->
        <h3 v-if="!items.length">Time to add new items!</h3>


<!-- Define logic and data -->
<!-- --------------------- -->

// To use Child-Component you need to import it first
import Child-Component from './Child-Component';

export default {

    // If properties are being passed to this component from the parent you need to declare them here
    props: {
        propOne: {
            type: String, // String / Array / Number / Boolean
            required: true, // true / false
            default: ''

    // Declare all data for this component here
    data() {
        return {
            title: '',              // String
            count: 0,               // Number
            items: [],              // Array: []
            componentState: true    // Boolean: true / false

    // When the component if fully loaded run methods declared below
    mounted() {

        // Fetch data from an API using axios
            .then(response => {
                this.items = response.data;
            .catch(function (error) {

    // Add methods
    methods: {

    // Register loaded components
    components: {
        Child-Component // , Second-Component...

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